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Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Broad Perspective Welcomes You

For quite some time we have been listening intently to the women of our community with your diverse needs, and desires and what you will see in the next few months is the response.

Researching, writing, editing and putting all this together has been an interesting journey. As you interact with us we will continue to evolve and grow.

From our designer to our editors we have assembled the “best of the best” because we believe the Women of the Antelope Valley deserve nothing less. It is our desire to elevate consciousness and bring the AV Woman what is “hip”, “happening” and “totally cool” not only in our valley but around the world.

We believe our diversity and how we interact with one another can be the catalyst that will be an example to other regions, but the choice remains with each of us individually. Are we going to stay small, or are we willing to learn and grow?

We may each have to do some soul searching. It is time. We invite you from this moment to consciously incorporate the world of interconnectivity that the internet affords us all. Your world will be richer, and you will be amazed at how that magnifies your dreams. Treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and empower each other every chance you get and do not forget to play well together.


Vivian Komori and The Broad Perspective

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look Through Me!
By: M. Karimi

Where there is a window!
Gaze through it, but!
Don’t mind the faded paint!
Or broken frame!
For, there is a pleasing verve beyond it!
Things that have not come to be!
And those, which simply are!
Seeing the ins and outs?
Not any thing would look alike
As we want them to be!
Events may come into sight lucent
But, what is clarity?
When there is a glass in between!
So, look again! And yet, again!